Friday, October 28, 2011

Conversations at the Wartime Cafe anthology and marathon reading

I snuck a peek at a copy of the Conversations at the Wartime Cafe anthology (edited by Sean Labrador y Manzano) and it's gorgeous. I'm honored to be among so many great writers, writers who not only convinced me to finally write about my experiences in NY around the time of 9/11 - despite my cynicism - but writers who are capable of restoring one's faith in the act and art of writing itself.While that may seem heavy-handed, I stand behind it because it's true.

Check it!


6:30pm - midnight.
all ages.

Conversations at the Wartime Cafe: reading and signing. 30 writers marking the 10th year of the War on Terror.


Sean Labrador y Manzano
Stephen Ratcliffe
Christopher Bernard
Liana Alvarez
Teresa K. Miller
Elmaz Abinader
Siamak Vossoughi
Melissa Eleftherion


Genny Lim
Dodie Bellamy
Kevin Killian
Margaret Rhee
Michelle Puckett
Katie May
Gillian Conoley
Aimee Suzara
Kathryn l. pringle


Leonard Chan
Daphne Gottlieb
Robert Lindsey
Hugh-Behm Steinberg
Alan Kaufman
Alexandra Kostoulas
Genine Lentine
Keely Hyslop
Miranda Mellis


David Brazil
Estee Schwartz
Gina Goldblatt
Neil Uzzell
Marissa Bell Toffoli
Sara Larsen
Evan Karp
Arisa White

The book, Conversations at the Wartime Cafe: a Decade of War 2001-2011 is an anthology of poetry, fiction, memoir, journalism, and essays.

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